Article 10116

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Aleynikov Boris Nikolaevich, Candidate of juridical sciences, professor, sub-department of justice, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia); head of Penza branch of “Aleynikov and partners” Interregional bar association of Moscow, (office 32, 172 Suvorova street, Penza, Russia),
Aleynikova Anastasiya Borisovna, Deputy head of Penza branch of “Aleynikov and partners” Interregional bar association of Moscow (office 32, 172 Suvorova street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. Reformation of the Russian judicial system is in progress. The highest political officials have decided to head to improvement of the present legislation on jury trials. Researching the status and prospects of development of the jury trial institution is especially topical as it assists formation of necessary lawmaking initiatives concernining improvement of the judicial system in whole and jury trial in particular. The aim of the work is to analyze the status and prospects of jury trial development in modern Russia.
Materials and methods. The research goals and tasks were realized on the basis of the analysis of general theoretical and theoretical sectoral juridical literature on institution, as well as drafts of federal laws on modernization of jury trials, initated by the President of Russia in 2015-2016. The methodological basis included general theoretical and special methods of scientific cognition, such as analysis, synthesis, logic and system-structural approaches, the method of analytical interpretation of legal norms etc.
Results. The authors researched theoretical and practical problems, associated with the modern jury trial activity, analyzed the causes of the given institution’s activity sphere narrowing, considered conditions and ways of improvement of the organization and activity of jury trials in Russia.
Conclusions. The efficiency of jury trial reformation measures will depend on how successfully will be solved the questions of reorganization financing, the required scientific examination of a forecasted effect, the remaining problems of pretrial investigation of economic crimes, inevitable complexity when choosing the jury etc.

Key words

jury trial, judicial system, jury, justice, court independence

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Дата создания: 26.08.2016 13:10
Дата обновления: 26.08.2016 15:37